
Turtles' Imputs And Outputs

They totally stop eating now. Only produce poops so their digestion system can keep clean for the long winter sleep!!! Sometimes, Pumbaa feels hungry, cause he bites his own arm once!!!

Look, Pumbaa is going Yoga!!! Though it's the only pose he and Timon and any turtle can do!!!

Pumbaa is enjoying the warm sunlight too!!!

Timon is smiling to the camera!!!

Timon:"Oooh, this rock is just right for me to bake myself under the sunshine!!!"


Timon Has Trouble In Turning Herself Off

Today, I decide to let Timon tell her own story through her own tough!!!

"As usual, Agnes shed the morning light for me as the beacon of a new day!!! Oh, just awaken, I have to stretch myself a bit. Two back limbs first. (5min passed!!!) Oh, I should excise a little bit of my neck!!! Turn left--(3min), then, turn right--(2.5min)!!! By the way, my neck can turn 270 degrees which dwarfs an animal species called human being!!! 

OK. Morning excises are done!!! It's time to have an out-fence exploration!!! 

Agnes is not positive in letting me crawling into my special niche. Oooh, see, she is putting me on the deck where is within her eyesight!!! Well, I can jump!!! Crawl back several steps~~Ready~~Go!!! Ha, I did it!!! I'm on the floor!!! Though there is little problem as you can see below~~
Well, I have to say it's not a decent landing!!! Not every try end up like this!!! It's the cooling weather that cause my sloth in motion!!!

After all, I spent the rest of my day in my favourite spot^^""


Sun-Bathing Before Hibernation

They are reducing their appetite to bite nothing at all now!!! No feeding!!! I put them bath in the water and the sun for a while before letting them go and hiding in their place!!! 

And I think weeks later they will not like to move a little at all!!!

Pumbaa is enjoying the sun-bathing^^

Timon prefers shadowy place!!!
Something more on Timon: One day morning, I shed a little day light on her. You know what??? She put her one of her arms in front of her eyes to shell the light as if complaining:"Hey, not so early!!! I need more sleep!!!I have reducing appetite now!!! "


A Successful Escape

This is what I catch just now--Timon and Pumbaa successfully escape from their cubicle area which is fenced by paper containers!!! Yes!!! They did prisonbreak again and they made it!!! Give them a big round of applause!!!

This is how Timon did it!!! Easy and smooth!!! And you can see Pumbaa is on her tail!!!

This is how Pumbaa did it!!!


Timon, The Detective

A little discovery found on Timon:

 This morning, Timon and Pumbaa were having their morning "crawling" minutes after being waken or dragged out of their shadowy niche. I put my finger in front of Timon to test if she has the appetite of biting. She looked at my finger and sniffed it and then turned to my another finger as if she was detecting whether there is any food that she can bite--"oh, they are not what I can bite!!! They are just Agnes' fingers!!!" So, she turned away from me and want somewhere else for food!!!

So funny, isn't it???!!!

Now, the moment (when they are dozing away their time) while I'm writing this, Timon and Pumbaa are out of their niche for a crawling, which is very rare!!! Maybe it's the typhoon season causes their bio-clock running unusually!!!


Pumbaa's Hug

As I'm always saying that my turtles have something, this morning feeding provides the new evidence:
Pumbaa can tell whether it's the shrimp that he can bite or my finger!!! 
When I put my finger in front of him to tease him, he just shake his head as if telling:"I know it's your finger!!! I don't wanna have a bite of it!!!"

Timon has got a pinky pal. So Pumbaa has a orange one!!!

Pumbaa is hugging a bear in the tiger's cloth!!!


Hide And Seek

Along with the cooling down weather, Timon and Pumbaa shrink their appetite as well. They start to get into the habitation period!!! So I only feed them once a day before reducing to once at two-day interval. 

That's why they are seeking somewhere to hide, just like Pumbaa does!!! I found him under the blanket!!!

Aha~~ I got you Pumbaa!!!

While What Timon did was jump down from about 30cm high chair to the ground and rushed to her, it should be their, favourite niche!!! Timon has the "talent" of jump and leap---when she finds anything threaten, she will leap forward in the very swift manner, not like a turtle is supposed to be!!!

Notice Timon's head at the up right corner???

These are when they got their paws muddy!!!


Turtles and Tortoises - Documentary

I find a documentary on turtles and tortoises which is really funny!!! 

A 130-year-old tortoise lives in an English castle who likes strawberry!!!

In that, red-eared-sliders in the animal park eat chicken!!! 

They fight for the right of mating!!!

Some people suck in turtle-egg drink!!!

Many turtles have techniques in hunting!!! Just like crocodiles or alligators do, they are good at  underwater ambush!!!

They may grow herpes tumours!!!

Even crab can kill baby turtles!!!

But after all, these ancient species which are older than dinosaurs are threatened by human beings--either by pollution or hunt!!!