
Blogger Exchange

Ok…..this is my first year participating in the pet blogger challenge. So without further ado, the questions, and my answer to them.
1. How long have you been blogging? Please tell us why you started blogging, and, for anyone stopping by for the first time, give us a quick description of what your blog is about.
I am creeping up on my 1st year blogaversary. I started the blog originally as a way to talk about my two super cute turtles. 
It's all about my two red-eared-sliders!!! Everything about them!!!
2. Name one thing about your blog, or one blogging goal that you accomplished during 2013, that made you most proud.
I grew my readership, thought it only has two so far!!! But I did improve the amount of visitors to my blog. 
What made me most proud is I met Sue through Pet Bloggers Gift Exchange!!!
3. When you look at the post you wrote for last year’s Pet Blogger Challenge, or just think back over the past year, what about blogging has changed the most for you?
I didn't post last year!!! 
4. What lessons have you learned this year – from other blogs, or through your own experience – that could help us all with our own sites?
I have surfed many blogs. For me, blogging is very visual too. So I have made a concerted effort to take beautiful photos, so I have something nice to share. 
5. If you could ask the pet blogging community for help with one challenge you’re having with your blog, what would it be?
How on earth do you get more visitors??? I suppose that is the age old question that we all would love an answer to. 
6. What have you found to be the best ways to bring more traffic to your blog, other than by writing great content?
I have a wonderful google+ community. Very interactive followers, and that translates into blog visits. 
7. How much time do you spend publicizing your blog, and do you think you should spend more or less in the coming year?
This depends on how my turtles behave!!! 
8. How do you gauge whether or not what you’re writing is appealing to your audience?
Just write whatever I want to!!!  
9. When you’re visiting other blogs, what inspires you to comment on a post rather than just reading and moving on?
See above. LOL 
10. Do you do product reviews and/or giveaways?
If so, what do you find works best, and what doesn’t work at all?
11. When writer’s block strikes and you’re feeling dog-tired, how do you recharge?
Take a walk, take a break, and don’t worry about it. 
12. Have you ever taken a break from your blog? How did that go?
I took a blogging break when my turtles are in their hibernation period, like now!!!. And it was wonderful really. 
13. Have you ever thought about quitting your blog altogether? What makes you stay?
Not yet!!!
14. What goals do you have for your blog in 2014?
Grow the readership, post about our fun adventures, and try not to give it all up completely. 
This is a Blog Hop!


  1. thanks so much for sharing... your turtles are soooo cute!! OMG it makes me want to have some too. They look so loveable. Thanks so much for creating this blog and sharing their turtle lives :)
