
Every Creature Is Unique

Every creature on earth is unique!!! There is difference between two turtles living in one basin. 

Lady first. Timon is a lady, most of the time!!! She usually prefers to bathing in the water just the same as we do in a hot spring. She is quiet, most of the time!!! She likes stretching her limbs just the same we girls do yoga. But when she senses there is food somewhere, you will see: her focused eyes, out-stretching neck, cautiously peddling limbs towards the victim, but not a slice of lady-like behaviour at all!!! Once catch it, it's a quick run to prevent being robbed by Pumbaa!!! Haaa~~just the same big cats ambush their prey in the wildness!!! I'm so glad that such thought of grab every opportunity to full her stomach is in her DNA!!! 

When meal time, she will take a bite, whatever it's my finger or the shrimp, to show her eagerness of eating, and then waiting for serving!!! As if she is saying:"I'm the Princess. I shall be served!!!" When there is 80% fill in her stomach, she will ignore your feeding and starts this circle: swimming for a while--rolling her eyes--biting a bit!!! That is why she got the nickname of "Stinky cunning"!!!
This is Timon's yoga pose!!!

Pumbaa's nickname is "Stinky dumb". Because he always want to do "Prison Break"!!! While Timon is taking leisure time, he is crawling all the time. Maybe he wants to take some adventure. I don't know why until recently I find he will be quiet after a long "walk"---like dogs do when asking for an outside walk!!! 

So they are almost the same in appearance, but totally different in nature!!!

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